Romanian Employers Must Create Personal File For Each Employee - Draft

Employers will have to create files for each of their employees and provide copies of the documents within 15 days of the worker's request, says a draft decision of the Romanian Government regarding the general employee registry.


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Romanian Employers Must Create Personal File For Each Employee - Draft

The draft, put up for public debate on the Labor Ministry's web site, says the employer must create a personal file for each employee, store it in the firm's headquarters and make it available to labor inspectors.

The file must comprise the following documents:
- papers necessary for hiring;
- individual work contract;
- papers regulating the contracts' amending, suspension and termination;
- education documents;
- qualification certificates;
- other papers confirming the information recorded in the registry.

On request, the employer must provide copies of these documents to a current or former employee, as well as a document attesting to their activity, length of employment, salary and experience.

According to the draft, diplomatic missions in Romania are also required to create and transmit these records to Territorial Labor Inspectorate.

The Labor Inspection agency provides authorities and public institutions with access to the registry, through specific query applications, while ensuring the protection of personal data.

The draft decision is available for public debate until March 25.

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