Romanian Govt Adopts Decree Allowing Retroactive Contributions To Public Pension System

The Romanian Government Thursday adopted an emergency ordinance whereby people who had not contributed to the public pension system over the past five years will be able to pay contributions retroactively for the said period.


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Romanian Govt Adopts Decree Allowing Retroactive Contributions To Public Pension System

According to the decree, people who are not retired can pay contributions to the public pension system for those periods in the past five years when they did not contribute to the system.

The sum considered when calculating retroactive contributions to the public pension system is the gross minimum salary corresponding to the period for which contributions will be paid.

Contributors must pay 27.5% to 31.5% of the gross minimum wages set by laws starting 2005, and the sum will be adjusted to the inflation rate. Contributions will go into the pension budget and must be paid by December 31, 2010.

In early August, the Associations of Romanians in Italy called on the Labor Ministry to implement measures so that Romanians who worked without labor contracts can pay pension contributions retroactively.

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