Romanian Govt Approves New Heating Aid Income Caps

Romania's Government on Wednesday approved the new income ceilings, according to which heating subsidies will be provided from the state budget during the winter.


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Romanian Govt Approves New Heating Aid Income Caps

Labor Minister Sebastian Lazaroiu announced earlier that the maximum income eligible for the subsidy will be raised from 615 lei (EUR145) to RON786.

In the winter of 2010-2011, households earning up to RON615 per member received a subsidy of 10% of the bill. As of this year, people earning between RON615 and RON786 will receive a subsidy of 5%. Single people earning up to RON1082 will receive a 10% subsidy.

Lazaroiu said the number of subsidy recipients will rise and local authorities will have to decide whether to continue to provide their own forms of heating bill aid in the same amount.

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