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Romanian Govt Decides To Hike Car Pollution Tax As Of Jan 2011
The Romanian Government on Thursday decided to hike the car pollution tax by an average 45-50% starting 2011, and the tax will be set considering the age of the car, its engine size and the amount of pollution it produces, said Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely.
26 viewsRomanian Govt Decides To Hike Car Pollution Tax As Of Jan 2011
The highest car pollution tax (EUR30,432) will be paid for 20-year-old cars with 3,200 cc non-Euro engines.
For 18-year-old cars with 3.2-liter Euro 1 engines, the tax was hiked to EUR12,672, from EUR10,240.
The registration tax for 10-year-old cars with 3.2-liter Euro 2 engines will increase to EUR19,584 in 2011, from EUR17,408 this year.
For five-year-old cars with 3.2-liter Euro 3 engines, the car pollution tax was increased to EUR12,778, from EUR8.891. Owners of six-year-old cars with the same type of engine will pay EUR11,748 to register their vehicles.
The car pollution tax for new 3,000 cc Euro 5 engine cars was set at EUR1,133.
Drivers will pay EUR787 to register one-year-old cars with 1,400 cc Euro 4 engines and EUR651 for three-year-old cars with the same type of engine. The car pollution tax for two-year-old cars with 2,000 cc Euro 4 engines will be of EUR2,742, more than double compared to the current tax (EUR1,060).
The tax for 1,100 cc Euro 5 engine cars, which are currently exempt from registration taxes, will be of EUR50 (new cars) and of EUR40 (two-year-old cars).
The car pollution tax for new trucks and buses with 1,461 cc Euro 5 engines will be of EUR73 euro and of EUR1,260 for three-year-old trucks and buses with 7,000 cc Euro 4 engines.
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