Romanian Govt Indefinitely Postpones Electronic ID Card Introduction

Romania's Government has decided to indefinitely postpone the introduction of the electronic ID card, which should have been issued starting with 2011, because of limited technical and financial resources and the need for a "simplified procedure."


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Romanian Govt Indefinitely Postpones Electronic ID Card Introduction

The electronic ID card's introduction was originally planned for January 1, 2003, but successive governments pushed this deadline to January 1, 2006, later to January 1, 2009 and, finally, to January 1, 2011. The explanation for each postponement was that this objective is tied to the updating of the National Electronic Population Registry System and that a test platform for the electronic system to be used in issuing such ID cards would be developed starting with July 1, 2010.

Through an emergency ordinance approved late this year, the Government has decided to cancel both the January 1, 2011 deadline for the introduction of the electronic ID card, and the July 1, 2010 deadline for the development of the test platform. These two goals will be set later, through a Government decision.

The Government has also decided that public bodies located in county capitals would be outfitted with specific equipment and software within 18 months of the electronic ID card's introduction; the timeframe will be three years for other cities and towns, and four years for communes.

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