Romanian Govt Survives No-Confidence Motion, New Labor Code Adopted

Romania's Government on Wednesday survived a motion of no-confidence filed by the opposition, which failed to acquire the necessary votes, meaning the amended Labor Code is closer to becoming law.


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Romanian Govt Survives No-Confidence Motion, New Labor Code Adopted

The motion needed 236 votes to pass, but received only 211. A mere 216 MPs voted in all, whether for or against.

The amended Labor Code, approved by the Government, has therefore passed the Parliament and requires only the head of state's signature to become law.

The proceedings were delayed by an intervention by liberal MP Puiu Hasotti, who proposed adopting a reaction against the "anti-Romanian" and "irredentist" statements made by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Tuesday's festivities celebrating Hungary's national holiday. After a series of speakers, Prime Minister Emil Boc took the floor and said such a reaction can only be issued once every piece of information has been considered.

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