Romanian Govt To Keep Public Sector Hiring Frozen In 2012 - PM

The Romanian Government will keep public sector hiring frozen in 2012 and only one in seven vacant positions will be filled, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Sunday.


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Romanian Govt To Keep Public Sector Hiring Frozen In 2012 - PM

Staff spending must not exceed 7.2% of the gross domestic product in 2012, which means hiring in the public sector will be frozen and only one in seven vacancies will be filled, said Boc during a videoconference with county prefects.

According to Boc, the measure will allow for increasing public sector employees' wages in stages staring January 2012 to the level previous to wage cuts in 2010.

The prime minister pointed out that, the Government will be able to hike wages only if public sector hiring is limited, Romania's economy grows by at least 3.5% and the budget deficit does not exceed 3%.

In 2009, the Government decided, following negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, to keep public sector hiring frozen and fill only one in seven vacant positions. The decision was taken through an emergency ordinance.

The decision remained valid in 2010 and 2011.

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