Romanian Health Ministry To Introduce Private Health Insurance

Romania's Health Ministry wants to introduce private health insurance, by creating private insurance houses supervised by the National Health Insurance House, said minister Ladislau Ritli on Wednesday.


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Romanian Health Ministry To Introduce Private Health Insurance

"We must diversify [healthcare] funding by attracting private companies into the financing circuit. This means introducing private health insurance. A bill to this end will be put up for public debate soon," said the minister.

Ritli added that this measure was part of the healthcare system's reformation. Dan Constantinescu, member of the insurance regulator CSA, said he supported this plan.

"I believe in this bill and I think it will be implemented. The Romanian insurance industry is ready for this move," said Constantinescu, adding that the bill provides a basic service package worth EUR200 for each insured person.

Minister Ritli also said formal co-payment would be introduced by the end of the year, whereby coupons are used to pay for medical services.

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