Romanian Medicine Agency Head Indicted For Alleged Bribe Taking

The head of Romania’s National Medicine and Medical Devices Agency, Daniel Boda, has been indicted for having allegedly accepted EUR5,000 as bribe to authorize a drug distributor that had had its license withdrawn.


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Romanian Medicine Agency Head Indicted For Alleged Bribe Taking

Boda, charged with bribe taking, will be tried alongside Sandel Alexandrescu, former administrator of pharmaceutical distribution firm SC IOANA MED FARM SRL, based in Stefaneşti, Arges county, his wife Anca Elena Alexandrescu - executive manager with the local public health department, Raluca Eugenia Neagoe - legal adviser with the drug distribution firm.

Other defendants include a pharmacy inspector, a driver working for the firm in question and an accountant.

Anticorruption prosecutors said SC IOANA MED FARM SRL was fined and had its drug distribution license withdrawn in September 2010 following a check-up that revealed irregularities in the firm's activity.

To get their license back, the firm's owners allegedly bribed the chief of the National Medicine and Medical Devices Agency.

The case will be tried by the Arges Court.

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