Romanian Number Of Insolvencies Nears 14,000 In First 9 Months

A total 13,984 firms went insolvent in Romania within the first nine months of the year, 10% less than in the same interval of the previous year, according to data from the national trade registry ONRC.


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Romanian Number Of Insolvencies Nears 14,000 In First 9 Months

In the same timeframe, a total 16,474 companies suspended activity, 72.25% less than in the same interval of 2010.

In September alone, there were 719 insolvencies registered, up 27% on the month, but 49% fewer than in the same month of 2010.

Most companies going insolvent were active in retail, followed by construction and industry.

In the interval analyzed, there were 104,592 new firms registered, compared to 84,371 in January-September 2010.

At the end of September 2011, there were 934,365 companies registered in Romania.

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