Romanian Official To Promote Historical Region Bukovina By Walking From Vienna

One of the advisers of Romanian democrat liberal Gheorghe Flutur, president of the Suceava County Council, northeastern Romania, will walk the distance between Vienna, Austria, and Suceava to promote the tourism project "Pilgrim in Bukovina", financed with European funds.


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Romanian Official To Promote Historical Region Bukovina By Walking From Vienna

Flutur said Tuesday, after a meeting with tourism association representatives, that this year, Bukovina, a region in northeastern Romania, will be promoted as tourist destination. He added that tourism offers will be launched at the tourism fairs to take place in Vienna, Turin, Munich, Paris and New York, where the projects "Easter in Bukovina", "Bukovina's Round Dance" and "Pilgrim in Bukovina" will be presented.

According to Flutur, the latter project will be promoted by one of his advisers, Neculai Barba, who will walk the distance between Vienna and Suceava.

Flutur said resort Gura Humorului will host a "pilgrimage center" for tourists who want to visit Bukovina. He added that the Suceava County Council wants to take over the administration of the railway line linking Vama to Moldovita to introduce a steam locomotive for tourists.

The "Pilgrim in Bukovina" project was initiated by the Suceava County Council and is financed through a regional operational program.

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