Romanian Opposition MPs Might Go On Parliamentary Strike - Sources

The Romanian opposition Social Liberal Union might to go on parliamentary strike for 30 days, as the ruling coalition discarded opposition’s demands, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Monday.


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Romanian Opposition MPs Might Go On Parliamentary Strike - Sources

According to the sources, social democrats, liberals and conservative discussed the matter Monday, before the beginning of the extraordinary Parliament session.

A final decision has not yet been taken and the leaders of the three opposition parties will meet again after the session to continue talks, said the sources.

The Parliament meets in an extraordinary session Monday and Tuesday to discuss the country's current political situation. About 341 MPs, out of a total of 465, are expected to participate in the meeting.

Romania has been the scene of anti-government protests for about two weeks. People rallied countrywide demanding the president and the Government to resign and voicing out their anger at the entire political class.

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