Romanian Parliament Committee To Draft Report On Welfare Bill By Nov 14

MPs with the Romania Chamber of Deputies’ committee for labor have until November 14 to draw up a report on the social welfare bill, that will then be put to the vote in plenary, House secretary Niculae Mircovici said Tuesday.


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Romanian Parliament Committee To Draft Report On Welfare Bill By Nov 14

Mircovici said the Chambers standing office set November 14 as the deadline for a report on the bill and amendments may be submitted by November 11.

He added the bill needs to be put to the vote as soon as possible so the Parliament can move on to debate and vote on the 2012 state budget.

Chamber vice-president Ioan Oltean said Monday the welfare bill will be put to the vote next week at the latest.

The bill was adopted tacitly by the Senate last week, after the opposition stalled it for weeks on end.

President Traian Basescu wrote to Parliament twice urging the bills adoption and has said the Government might have to resort to adopting it through a confidence vote otherwise.

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