Romanian Parliament Committees Approve Budget Of Ministry Of EU Affairs
The 2012 budget of Romania's Ministry of European Affairs, amounting to 86.7 million lei (EUR20 million), was approved Monday by the specialty Parliament committees.
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The Ministry of European Affairs was created earlier this year by merging the Structural Instrument Coordination Authority (ACIS) with the Department of European Affairs. Its budget for 2012 states the ministry's investment priority is ensuring the implementation of the Technical Assistance Operational Program.
According to the draft budget, by October 30, 2011, the ministry had received 92 applications for financing, amounting to a total of RON414 million, including around RON312 million in European funds.
Of these projects, 77 were approved, worth about RON344 million, with the EU contributing RON261 million. Of the approved projects, 72 have been contracted, for a total value of RON331 million, including RON250 million from the EU, or 34% of the amount allotted to the program for 2007-2013.
The draft budget states that the program's absorption rate might not exceed 50-60% by December 31, 2015, unless the delays in its implementation are overcome.
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