Romanian Pensioners To Sue Govt At ECHR For Violating Pension Law

Romanian pensioners will sue the Government at the European Court of Human rights (ECHR) for violating the pension law, and will stage ample protests if authorities tax pensions, National Federation of Romanian Pensioners president Preda Nedelcu said Tuesday.


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Romanian Pensioners To Sue Govt At ECHR For Violating Pension Law

"We will sue the Government at the ECHR by the end of the year for breaching the pension law. We demanded that the pension point (an indicator used by authorities to calculate pensions, e.n.) be correlated with the average wage," said Nedelcu.

"If pensions are taxed and are not pegged to inflation we will take to the streets," Nedelcu said.

He added Labor Minister Sulfina Barbu told the federation the Government has not held talks on applying income tax on pensions.

"On the other hand, we can't forget that two years ago President Traian Basescu called for pensions to be taxed. Moreover, the Senate's finance committee president has recently come up with a similar idea. We won't accept this measure," highlighted Nedelcu.

Eugen Radulescu, director within the National Bank of Romania, said recently all pensions should be taxed, including those below 1,000 lei (about EUR230) as the public pension fund deficit hits EUR3 billion.


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