Romanian PM Appoints New Employment Agency Head

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Wednesday appointed Elvira Rodica Andronescu in the position of head of the National Employment Agency (ANOFM).


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Romanian PM Appoints New Employment Agency Head

The position of ANOFM head has been vacant since October 2011, after Silviu Bian was arrested for taking bribes.

The institution's fund management duties were carried out by Iulia Circei, who was appointed ANOFM secretary general.

Former state secretary and ANOFM head Silviu Bian was indicted on charges of corruption on November 9. Bian is accused of taking bribes amounting to over EUR270,000.

Prosecutors also indicted ANOFM managers Alexandra Maria Tichindelean, accused of bribe taking, and Cristache Ristea, accused of acting as accessory to bribe taking.

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