Romanian PM Asks Ministries Outside Fiscal Strategy For 2012 Expense Estimates

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Wednesday asked the ministries not included in the 2012-2014 fiscal strategy to present their own expense estimates for 2012, which will be used in drafting the state budget for next year, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian PM Asks Ministries Outside Fiscal Strategy For 2012 Expense Estimates

The ministries must report their estimated investment ceiling for next year to the Finance Ministry by August 31, so that it can be included in the draft budget for 2012. The Finance Ministry will negotiate these expenditure limits with the ministries and then request the Government's approval, said the sources.

Last week, Prime Minister Boc, Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu and the Finance Ministry's state secretaries discussed the expenditure limits of the main public institutions.

"Some ministers requested higher expense limits, but this raise is not possible, because it is outside the fiscal-budgetary strategy. The Government may accept a raise of up to 10% of a ministry's budget, but only in exceptional cases. The budgetary parameters for the ten ministries running investment projects have been set and the others must agree on an expense limit," sources told MEDIAFAX at the time.

They added that the draft budget must consider that the international economic context is far from stable and must stay within the bounds agreed upon with the International Monetary Fund and the European Comission.

The law says the budget must be drawn up by the Government and sent to the Parliament by October 15.

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