Romanian PM Calls For Shared Responsibility In Absorbing EU Funds

Romanian’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday the Government and the business environment must share responsibility concerning the absorption of European funds.


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Romanian PM Calls For Shared Responsibility In Absorbing EU Funds

Boc said at the end of a meeting with businessmen that there are situations when firms which "own only a bag" contract EU projects worth hundreds of millions of euros, but cannot get bank loans, as they offer no guarantees.

"Problems appear when firms that are not covered financially contract projects. The Government and the business environment must share responsibility in the absorption of EU funds," said the prime minister.

Boc said discussions on EU fund absorption will continue next week.

Boc said at the end of 2010, after a meeting with bank representatives, that in 2008, firms were not compelled to present banks with comfort letters or affidavits to obtain loans, adding that many of these firms are unable to co-finance EU projects.

He said back then that banks agreed to cancel contracts that are no longer co-financed.

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