Romanian PM: Social-Democrats to Continue Governing Despite Coalition Breaking Up

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced on Tuesday that the country’s ruling Social Democrat Party will continue to govern on its own, despite the fact that coalition partners ALDE decided to leave the ruling coalition and join the country’s opposition on Monday.


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Romanian PM: Social-Democrats to Continue Governing Despite Coalition Breaking Up

The chief of cabinet accused ALDE of “practicing a political game in order to obtain votes” and said that the country needed stability.

“I took notice of ALDE’s decision to abandon the government and discussed our next steps with colleagues in PSD. We decided to assume the act of governing because Romania needs stability. Responsible governing means assuming decision for the good of the majority, and not running away and practicing a political game to obtain votes,” the PM said at the beginning of Tuesday’s cabinet meeting.

Dancila also thanked Foreign Affairs Minister Ramona Manescu for deciding not to resign together with her other ALDE cabinet colleagues.

ALDE decided on Monday evening to leave the ruling coalition and join the opposition, while also announcing an alliance with Pro Romania.

The party’s chairman, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, said that the ruling coalition was “defective”, and cited the social-democrats’ refusal to accept ALDE’s request for a government restructuring and drafting a new governing program as reasons for the group’s decision.

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