Romanian President Basescu Extends New Invitation To Talks For Opp Parties

Romanian President Traian Basescu invited opposition party leaders again to attend consultations with parliamentary parties at the presidential palace on Monday afternoon.


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Romanian President Basescu Extends New Invitation To Talks For Opp Parties

The head of state called on opposition parties in a letter Monday to consider participating in the meeting, taking into account the importance of the issues to be discussed.

Last week, Basescu invited parliamentary parties for talks on Monday afternoon about the country's economic and social outlook for the next two years, Schengen accession and this year's legislative priorities.

Opposition Social Democratic Party leader Victor Ponta said Friday his party will not participate in consultations with the president, adding Basescu can no longer be considered head of state, but merely the head of the ruling Democratic Liberal Party.

The previous meeting Basescu had at the presidential palace with parliamentary parties was on November 2 and targeted conclusions of the European Council, Romania's agreement with the International Monetary Fund and Schengen areas accession. Opposition parties declined that invitation and talks were held with just parties from the ruling coalition.

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