Romanian President Challenges Constitutionality Of Revised National Integrity Law

Romanian President Traian Basescu challenged with the Constitutional Court the revised version of the law regulating the activity of the country’s National Integrity Agency (ANI), the Presidency said in a press release Tuesday.


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Romanian President Challenges Constitutionality Of Revised National Integrity Law

According to the press release, Basescu challenged the law citing breaches of certain constitutional provisions regarding law adoption procedures and the powers of the two chambers of the Parliament.

In the notification sent to the Constitutional Court, the head of state said the revised law adopted in the Chamber of Deputies, following his reexamination request, was forwarded to the Senate, which adopted a different version of the law, eliminating most of its provisions, including those on setting up wealth checkup commissions.

Senators also rejected Basescu's request to extend to three years the one-year deadline by which checkups targeting wealth statements can be prescribed, as well as the proposition making it mandatory for high officials to state whether any of their relatives run businesses on taxpayer money.

Romania's Parliament has amended the law regulating the country's integrity agency, a EU-required anticorruption body that screened public officials' wealth and recommended prosecution for alleged illicit gains in a move to tackle endemic corruption, after the country's Constitution Court found the initial law unconstitutional. The new law, however, considerably weakens the agency's powers.

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