Romanian President Signs Decrees Appointing New Ministers

Romanian President Traian Basescu Friday signed the decrees dismissing the economy, finance, labor, agriculture, communications and transport ministers, as well as the decrees appointing the ministers who will take their place.


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Romanian President Signs Decrees Appointing New Ministers

Thursday evening, Prime Minister Emil Boc announced officially that Economy Ministers Adriean Videanu, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu, Labor Minister Mihai Seitan, Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru, Communication Minister Gabriel Sandu and Transport Minister Radu Berceanu would be replaced with Ion Ariton, Gheorghe Ialomitianu, Ioan-Nelu Botis, Valeriu Tabara, Valerian Vreme and Anca Boagiu, respectively.

The new ministers will be sworn in Friday at noon at the Presidential Palace, after a meeting with the prime minister.

The minister propositions were forwarded to the head of state Thursday evening.

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