Romanian President Supports Education Bill Adopted By Govt

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday he supports the education bill in the format adopted by the Government, and added he wants the act to be passed by the end of the year.


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Romanian President Supports Education Bill Adopted By Govt

The head of state said the current education system offers Romania no perspectives and highlighted the results of reforming the system will not be seen immediately.

Chamber Speaker Roberta Anastase said earlier Tuesday the education law for which the Government sought a confidence vote in Parliament late October is considered adopted after opposition liberal lawmakers said in plenary they are pulling their signatures from the motion of no-confidence submitted over the bill.

Anastase said 22 liberal lawmakers pulled their signatures from the motion submitted by 138 lawmakers and the motion now only has 116 support signatures, which is not enough to have it debated and put to the vote, which means the education bill is considered rightfully adopted. She said the opposition has two days to contest the law at the Constitutional Court because it has been adopted with urgency.

Senate Chairman Mircea Geoana said Tuesday, when ruling coalition MPs voted to continue adoption procedures for the education bill, that he would challenge the bill at the Constitutional Court.

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