Romanian Senate Adopts National Integrity Agency Bill As Approved By Lower Chamber

Romania’s Senate adopted Tuesday the National Integrity Agency (ANI) bill in the form put forward by the Chamber of Deputies, with 78 votes in favor and one abstention, after rejecting the amendment exempting union leaders from the obligation to submit wealth statements.


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Romanian Senate Adopts National Integrity Agency Bill As Approved By Lower Chamber

The new ANI law restores a series of provisions eliminated in previous debates, including the creation of investigation committees subordinated to Courts of Appeals and the single wealth statement form, comprising data on jewelry, accounts and homes, without revealing personal information.

Under the new ANI law, public officials will be required to declare any contracts with state authorities in their statements of interest. The law also allows the Agency to investigate an official within 3 years of their leaving office.

The text as adopted Tuesday will be sent to the head of state for promulgation.

Earlier, the Senate rejected an amendment which stated union leaders would not come under the law's applicability, so the bill's final form is the same as adopted by the Chamber of Deputies last week.

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