Romanian Senate Committee Approves Act Cutting State Heating Aid With Tied Vote

The Romanian Senate's committee for administration on Tuesday adopted a favorable report on the government ordinance eliminating state subsidies for household heating, although the vote was tied.


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Romanian Senate Committee Approves Act Cutting State Heating Aid With Tied Vote

Emergency Ordinance 69/2011 concerning the household heating centralized systems received five votes for and five against from the committee. The members of the ruling coalition argued that committee chairman Marius Necula's vote is the tiebreaker in such a case.

Social democrat senator Sorin Lazar challenged this point and announced he would notify the Senate plenum about the situation.

Through this ordinance, the Government eliminated the aid provided from the state budget for heating bills, as of the winter of 2011-2012. Local authorities are to decide if and how they will subsidize their public's bills from the local budgets.

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