Romanian Transport Min: Bucharest-Constanta Highway To Be Completed By End-2012

Romanian Transport Minister Anca Boagiu said that, by the end of next of year, the Bucharest-Constanta highway will be completed and open for traffic, and the ministry will finish evaluating the bids received for the construction of the 20.5 km-long Cernavoda-Medgidia section.


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Romanian Transport Min: Bucharest-Constanta Highway To Be Completed By End-2012

The minister was on Friday inspected the Constanta ring road project and said she was happy with its progress, as well as its cost.

Boagiu added that the winning bid for the Cernavoda-Medgidia highway section will definitely be "much, much cheaper" than the previous contract, with French constructor Colas, worth about EUR175 million. This contract was cancelled in April by the Transport Ministry.

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