Romanian Unionists, IMF Delegation Talk About Energy Market, Privatization Of State Cos

Romanian National Union Bloc (BNS) leader Dumitru Costin said Friday talks between unionists and the International Monetary Fund delegation focused on problems concerning the energy market, the privatization of state companies and rehiring employees made redundant.


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Romanian Unionists, IMF Delegation Talk About Energy Market, Privatization Of State Cos

Costin said unionists and the IMF representatives resumed talks on the energy market, focusing mainly on issues concerning energy investments, the need to reform the sector and protect "vulnerable consumers."

Addressing the issue regarding the elimination of heating subsidies, Costin said Romanian authorities must identify vulnerable consumers and implement social protection measures, as eliminating the state aid will increase household heating bills.

Late June, the Romanian Government decided to hold back the ordinance eliminating state heating subsidies, until it completes a state aid scheme for low-income households.

A joint mission of the IMF, European Commission and World Bank is in Bucharest as of Wednesday for the second evaluation of a precautionary loan agreement. The mission will assess Romania's implementation of reforms in the first half of the year and present its conclusions in a press conference on August 1.

The foreign officials met Friday with union representatives.

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