Romanian Unions, Employers Want To Take Over Administration Of Employment Agency

Romanian unions and employers will call on the government to let them handle the administration of the country’s employment agency ANOFM in a bid to improve the institution’s fund management.


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Romanian Unions, Employers Want To Take Over Administration Of Employment Agency

Ioan Niculae, head of employers' association Patrorom, told a news conference Tuesday employers and union federations will submit a bill to the Government proposing that unions and employers take over the employment agency.

They said the unemployment fund should be administrated by contributors and supervised by the Government. Cartel Alfa union leader Bogdan Hossu said unions and employers should have control over the employment agency but the move requires changes in legislation, which would take six months to one year.

Romania's five major union federations and part of its national employers' associations also signed an agreement Tuesday calling on the Government to resume social dialogue and discuss concrete measures to prevent a new economic crisis.

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