Simulated Earthquake Scenario Reaches 4,380 Deaths

A drill to simulate a high-magnitude earthquake scenario, rolled out by Romanian authorities, estimated a death toll of 4,830 deaths in its fourth day, with 8,000 wounded and approximately 50,000 left homeless.


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Simulated Earthquake Scenario Reaches 4,380 Deaths

Romania’s General Inspectorate for Emergency Services (IGSU) also announced that, according to the scenario, 48,000 consumers would reamin without electricity and 55,000 without access to the water supply, as 5,240 buildings in the capital would be affected by the disaster.

The scenario was rolled out starting with October 13 and is meant to simulate the impact of a large-magnitude earthquake on Romania’s capital, and the authorities’ response to the event.

According to the simulation, in case of such an event, refugee camps will be established in the neighboring Ilfov county, but also in the city’s National Arena.

In the scenario, Romania requested assistance from Israel, Austria, Italy and Norway to treat the wounded, with 29 of Bucharest’s medical units totally or partially destroyed.

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