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- BUCHAREST, (07.02.2020, 19:29)
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Online news - Breaking news and last minute updates - Last update: 10:10, 11 februarie 2025
Teacher from Suceava who returned from China, hospitalized with suspected coronavirus
A 32 year old Romanian citizen, an English teacher who returned from China on 1 February, has gone to the hospital with flu symptoms on Friday.
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Teacher from Suceava who returned from China, hospitalized with suspected coronavirus
The doctors collected samples and sent them to the Matei Balş Institute for confirmation or rejection of coronavirus.
The teacher is quarantined at the time this news story is being reported and she is going to be transferred to Iaşi.
"A case will be transferred for monitoring, a case from Suceava, it is about a recently returned person from China. According to the protocol from the Ministry of Health, the person will be brought to the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Iaşi, which has been declared a regional centre for such cases", Diana Cimpoeşu, UPU SMURD chief in Iaşi, has said for MEDIAFAX.
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