Three-Month Money Market Rate Flat At 3.17%

The three-month money market interest rate used to calculate interests for consumer loans in lei continued to remain unchanged on Thursday, at 3.17% a year, for the third consecutive day, central bank data show.


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Three-Month Money Market Rate Flat At 3.17%

The six-month money market rate, which is used to calculate interests on leu-denominated mortgage loans, rose to 3.44% on Thursday, from 3.42% a day before.

The nine-month interbank rate, which is used to calculate interests on loans in lei attracted by commercial banks from other commercial banks for a nine-month period, grew to 3.51% on Thursday, from 3.49% on Wednesday.

The twelve-month index rose to 3.56% on Thursday, after two days of stagnation at 3.55%.


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