Turcan: The Government withdrew the decrees on European funds for fear of the European Commission

Deputy prime minister Raluca Turcan has said the Government's decision to withdraw emergency decrees on European funds has been done in order not to leave the impression to the European Commission that they have faults.


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Turcan: The Government withdrew the decrees on European funds for fear of the European Commission

Raluca Turcan told Digi 24 that the ordinances concerning the European funds were withdrawn for fear of the European Commission.

"The reason behind this decision not to publish them was that this negative context was created which seriously damages the credibility of Romania in relation to the European Commission, and the Orban Government was too serious in all the negotiations it has had with the European Commission to leave even the slightest suspicion that these emergency ordinances would have some faults".

Prime minister Ludovic Orban said, in the Government meeting on Thursday, that he had withdrawn from the publication in the Official Monitor of the emergency ordinances concerning the European funds approved in the meeting on February 4. He asked Minister Marcel Boloş to come up with other legislative solutions.

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