Klaus Iohannis, in video conference with ministers: We want to limit the medical tourism

President Klaus Iohannis has discussed, during a videoconference, with the ministers responsible for managing the crisis with COVID-19 and told them this morning that he had spoken with Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission's president, about the measures that must be coordinated in the EU.

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Imaginea articolului Klaus Iohannis, in video conference with ministers: We want to limit the medical tourism

Klaus Iohannis, in video conference with ministers: We want to limit the medical tourism

"The first thing concerns the movement of goods in the European Union. It is noted that the measures taken in the member states of the Union are different. I expect very urgently from you an information, until 17.30, so that I can have a consolidated point of view in the video conference, to know exactly where such blockages appear that interest us", Klaus Iohannis said.

The President informed Cabinet members that access to persons from outside the European Union will be limited if they cannot prove that they have an urgent problem to solve.

The measure will not apply to doctors, diplomats who come to work or official delegations.

"We want to clearly limit tourism and we want to clearly limit medical tourism. It seems that more and more people from outside the Union are coming to the Union", Klaus Iohannis added.

The president asked the ministers to send the Ministry of Interior a report of the measures they are taking and their effects. Subsequently, the Government will be able to improve its actions.

"75% of confirmed people either have no symptoms at all or have very mild symptoms. 19 people were declared healed and will be sent home today. We only have three cases of people admitted to the emergency room, but without being connected to ventilation support. So far, we have no confirmed death in Romania", the president said.

The president will also discuss, by video conference, starting from 18.00, with the members of the European Council, on the COVID-19 epidemic.

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