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Romanian Chamber Speaker Asks Pres To OK Uninominal Vote Law

Romanian Chamber Speaker Bogdan Olteanu, asked president Traian Basescu to initiate as soon as possible the procedure for the promulgation of the uninominal vote Law assumed by the Government, "thus Romania might benefit as soon as possible from the advantage of the uninominal voting system."
Romanian Chamber Speaker Asks Pres To OK Uninominal Vote Law
07 nov. 2007, 19:44, English
"I ask that you initiate as soon as possible the procedure for the promulgation of the Electoral Code enacted by the Parliament, thus Romania might benefit sooner from the advantages of the uninominal voting system," said Olteanu in an open letter sent to the head of state.
"If later, after the referendum you initiated, the people indicates that it wants a different project for the uninominal vote, it will be much easier to amend a law already enacted, rather than initiate a new parliament procedure, which would consume more time," said Olteanu.
The law on the uninominal voting system for which the Government took responsibility in parliament was sent to the president, who has 20 days to promulgate it.