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Romanian Chamber Speaker Sends Fourth Letter To Pres

Romanian Chamber Speaker, liberal Bogdan Olteanu, sent a new letter to president Traian Basescu, asking him to cease delaying the promulgation of the law on the uninominal voting system, for which the Government assumed responsibility in Parliament.
Romanian Chamber Speaker Sends Fourth Letter To Pres
10 nov. 2007, 15:43, English

Starting with Wednesday, Olteanu sent the president each day open letters on this subject.

In the Saturday letter, Olteanu asks the head of state to stop delaying “the promulgation of the ProDemocratia Law introducing the uninominal voting system.”

"Now, once the Parliament completed its mission and Romania has a law on the uninominal voting system enacted by the legislative forum, nothing should prevent its immediate coming into force and its application starting with the next elections. Unfortunately, myself and a large part of the public opinion have noticed, in the past few days, the fact that you are attempting a political game blocking the ProDemocratia law, avoiding to promulgate it," said Olteanu.

He writes that, in this context, he finds it useless to offer new arguments to the president, which might favor the promulgation of the legislative draft through which Romania might apply the uninominal voting system.

"I can understand the electoral reasons for which you organize a referendum on the same day as European Parliament elections, but I fail to understand the reason for which you take on the risk of leaving Romania without a law on the uninominal vote only to secure a few extra votes for the party you are mentoring. I can understand the reasons for which you wish to draw a clear line between yourself and the project for which the Tariceanu Government took responsibility, and to criticize it through hiding behind details, such as the existence or inexistence of a second voting round, but I cannot understand the reason for which you set personal interest and the political battle above national interest," writes Olteanu.