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European Parliament Adopts Resolution On Free Circulation In EU States

The resolution proposed by the European social democrats to apply Directive 38/2004 on the right to free circulation in EU states was adopted Thursday in the plenary session of the European Parliament, and Romanian MEPs Adrian Severin and Dan Mihalache were among the initiators of the draft.
European Parliament Adopts Resolution On Free Circulation In EU States
15 nov. 2007, 16:12, English
The resolution proposed by the European social democrats to apply Directive 38/2004 on the right to free circulation in EU states was adopted Thursday in the plenary session of the European Parliament, and Romanian MEPs Adrian Severin and Dan Mihalache were among the initiators of the draft.
The resolution was approved with 306 pros and 186 cons, according to the information released by the press bureau of the Romanian social-democratic delegation in the European Parliament.
The resolution was initiated by the Socialist Group in the European Parliament based on a Declaration on November 7 adopted in Madrid by the Romania and Italian Delegations.
The resolution aims to reaffirm the importance of the free circulation of people as basic principle of the European Union, constituent part of the European citizenship and basic component of the local market, the press statement reads.
The resolution also reminds that Directive 38/2004 clearly stipulates that an EU citizen may as well as deported, but under strict conditions. The reasons behind deportation measures can only involve public order, public security and/or public health, but these reasons cannot be invoked for economic purposes.