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Romanian Conservative Party Pres To Remain In Office Until January 20, ‘08

Romanian Conservative Party president Dan Voiculescu, announced in a press conference Thursday that he would call the party congress for January 20, 2008. New party leadership would be elected in the congress, while Voiculescu said he does not plan to run for the position of party president.
Romanian Conservative Party Pres To Remain In Office Until January 20, ‘08
29 nov. 2007, 19:42, English
Voiculescu said, after the meeting of the Conservative Party political Office that he promised he would not run for the position of party president, and he is a man of honor. He added that he would remain president of the party until the congress, and he would remain a member of the party. "I do not have to be the president to devote myself to the party," Voiculescu said.
Dan Voiculescu said that until the congress there will be analyses within the party regarding the results of EP elections, and the party signed a contract with a marketing company, in this purpose. The company will present a report on the mistakes made and the causes that lead to the results obtained by the party in the EP elections.
Tuesday, Dan Voiculescu requested "the honorable resignation" of leaders of the party branches with poor results in the elections, stating that responsibility should be distributed and the necessary measures should be taken.
The Conservative Party obtained, in the EP elections, 2.93% of validly expressed votes.