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President’s Opinion On Justice Laws Amendment Bill Is Unjust, Says Romanian Ruling Party Leader

Romanian ruling party leader Liviu Dragnea said Friday that he considers President Klaus Iohannis’ opinion that the justice laws amendment bill should be rejected to be unjust and that Parliament will continue to debate on the issue.
President’s Opinion On Justice Laws Amendment Bill Is Unjust, Says Romanian Ruling Party Leader
Miruna Gaman
29 sept. 2017, 21:07, English

Dragnea said the president’s position is unjust because most magistrates support amendments in the current justice legislation. The social democrat leader further said that the bill received a rather tight vote from the High Council of Magistracy, which hardly demonstrates magistrates’ unitary position.

Finally, Dragnea said that Parliament will continue to debate the bill.

The justice laws amendment bill received Thursday a negative report from the High Council of Magistracy. The bill proposes a series of amendments regarding the appointment of the Chief Prosecutor at Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate and of the Prosecutor General, the appointment in leadership positions with the courts and prosecutors’ offices and the subordination of the Judicial Inspection to the Justice Ministry.