Firea stated that PSD cannot “live any longer under the terror of exclusions”, referring to the rumored, and later confirmed, exclusions of Dragnea critics Marian Neacsu and Adrian Tutuianu during Monday’s meeting.
She also called the social-democrat leader a “toxic character”, a “man with bizarre outbursts” and “unfit to be a man of the state”.
“PSD is currently led by a man preoccupied only about his own political, judicial, economic situation, and whose bizarre outburst are far from being fit for a man of the state and denote desperation and obsession,” Firea said in the statement.
The PSD mayor added that she will assume the political consequences of her statement and that she will remain on the left of the political spectrum even if she is excluded from the party.
“We are in a critical moment, for both party and country, and many have the sensation that we are heading towards disaster. If there are people who sense this danger and take a stand, they are not putschists, they are reformers. And reforms, even under the guise of utopias, cannot be in any way treated with force,” she concluded.
The executive committee of Romania’s Social Democrat Party (PSD) voted on Monday to exclude two high-level critics of chairman Liviu Dragnea, general secretary Marian Neacsu and former Defense Minister Adrian Tutuianu.
The two were excluded by the PSD deciding body with 53 votes for and nine against, after being accused of trying to side with the parliamentary opposition in a vote against Justice Minister Tudorel Toader.
Tutuianu was also a signatory of a dissent letter against Liviu Dragnea in September, co-signed by Regional Development Minister Paul Stanescu and Bucharest Mayor Gabriela Firea, requesting the chairman’s resignation.
Marian Neacsu also positioned himself with the dissenters at the time, sending the memorandum to all party organizations. However, the group failed to gain the necessary support to oust Dragnea, who received an overwhelming reconfirmation vote in another executive committee meeting.