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President Criticizes 2019 Budget: Ruling Coalition Shows Its Disdain For Romanians’ Expectations

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis vehemently criticized the 2019 budget adopted by the Parliament on Friday, accusing the country’s ruling coalition of showing “total disdain” for the citizens’ expectations by increasing funds for political parties.
President Criticizes 2019 Budget: Ruling Coalition Shows Its Disdain For Romanians’ Expectations
Ionut Preda
15 feb. 2019, 17:55, English

“The budget proposed today by PSD-ALDE and adopted by the Parliament shows the ruling coalition’s total disdain for the expectations of Romanians, who want responsible and credible governance, concerned with the real needs of the people (…) This budget is the most eloquent example of a government pawning the future of Romanians,” reads a statement issued by the Presidential Administration.

In the statement, the president bashes the coalition for its two-month delay of the budget and called its income projection “speculative” and based on “overestimated numbers”, while also neglecting investments.

Iohannis also referred to a hike in funds allotted for parliamentary parties, accusing the social-democrats of voting the increases for themselves.

Romanian lawmakers on Friday adopted the 2019 state budget with 275 to 122 votes.

The budget bill now needs to be signed into law by the head of state.

The adopted budget plan is built on a deficit target of 2.76% of gross domestic product, below the EU limit of 3%, and an economic growth projection of 5.5%.

The bill will be sent to the president for enactment.