The magistrates held signs reading “stop decrees issued overnight”, “We share the same values/RO belongs in EuROpe” and “Independent magistrates = Independent Europe”.
“Our protest continues because we are working based on principles and certain values which do not change. Sometimes the manner they manifest changes, but at this moment some rules which characterize the rule of law are being messed up. One of them is transparency, another one is the balance of power in state and you can also see that there are certain deviations there,” prosecutor Gabriela Scutea told MEDIAFAX.
The decree caused protests among magistrates, courts and prosecutor’s offices throughout the country, due to controversial amendments to the procedures of appointing top prosecutors and a ban on delegations into top offices, among others. The country’s National Anticorruption Directorate announced that the measures could partially block its activity, as it would lose some of its section chiefs who are currently delegated to their respective roles.
Although some of the contested measures were repealed by Government decree last week, magistrates associations decided to continue protests until a full repeal of the bill is enacted.