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Former SRI Deputy to be Interviewed by Magistrate Investigation Section

The former first-deputy of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Florian Coldea, was present on Monday at the Section for Investigating Judicial Offence (SIIJ). According to judicial sources, he receiveda citation for a hearing during May, in the case involving former anticorruption chief Laura Kovesi.
Former SRI Deputy to be Interviewed by Magistrate Investigation Section
Ionut Preda
22 apr. 2019, 19:14, English

SIIJ chief Gheorghe Stan told MEDIAFAX that Coldea was at the institution’s Registrar’s Office, but was not interviewed by section prosecutors during the day.

The former SRI chief is rumored to be involved in several cases pending at the section, as he was main signatory of several controversial SRI-judiciary protocols through which the secret service assisted with the gathering of evidence through wiretapping and intercepting communications.

Coldea was decommissioned by the agency in January 2017, after businessman Sebastian Ghita published eight tapes detailing his close relation with the SRI’s second-in-command and Laura Codruta Kovesi.

The businessman also made a denunciation against Kovesi at the SIIJ, who he accused of requesting him to pay for the 2011 repatriation of a fugitive businessman from Indonesia. Laura Codruta Kovesi was serving as Romania’s general prosecutor at the time.