Prima pagină » English » The Government might adopt on Tuesday an emergency decree for early elections – sources

The Government might adopt on Tuesday an emergency decree for early elections – sources

The Government might adopt an emergency decree for calling early elections, sources have said for MEDIAFAX. The Executive would make this decision because, in case of dismissal by a no-confidence vote, it could no longer issue an emergency decree, as it would have an interim status.
The Government might adopt on Tuesday an emergency decree for early elections - sources

Although it is not on the agenda, Government sources have stated for MEDIAFAX that the normative act would be on the additional list.

Thus, the emergency ordinance establishes the composition of the Permanent Electoral Offices, the election constituencies, but also other organizational aspects.

The PSD wants the vote on the no-confidence motion to take place on Wednesday at 12:00. However, the calendar will be set during a meeting of the Permanent Offices, which is in progress at the time of reporting this news story.