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The Senate rejects the emergency decree on early elections

The senators on Wednesday have rejected the Government's emergency ordinance for organizing early elections. The rejection project will reach the Chamber of Deputies, which will play a decisive role.
The Senate rejects the emergency decree on early elections

The emergency ordinance regulating organizing the early elections for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate was adopted on January 3, without the opinions of the Legislative Council.

The main provisions of the decree are: three days of voting abroad, doubling the number of parliamentarians in foreign constituencies.

Also, in the case of the early parliamentary elections, the date is set at least 50 days before the vote compared to 90 days at present, so they can be organized in advance 40 days faster than at present.

In addition, voters can vote anywhere in the country in parliamentary elections. The emergency ordinance for early elections was published on Friday in the Official Monitor, after first reaching the Senate.