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IAEA Concludes Operational Safety Review of Romania’s Nuclear Power Plant

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts has completed a review of long term operational safety at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant in Romania at the request of plant operator Nuclearelectrica.
IAEA Concludes Operational Safety Review of Romania’s Nuclear Power Plant
Oana Gavrila
21 feb. 2020, 15:38, English

The IAEA team reviewed safety aspects of long term operation at Unit 1, which Nuclearelectrica plans to extend for a total operational lifetime of approximately 60 years.

The Cernavoda nuclear power plant is the only nuclear power plant in Romania and consists of two 650-MWe pressurized heavy-water reactors. Unit 1 went into commercial operation in 1996 and Unit 2 in 2007. The nuclear plant’s output covers around 20% of Romania’s energy consumption.

Unit 1 is expected to enter an ample modernization process in 2026.