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Lucian Romaşcanu, PSD: Florin Cîţu could form a majority coalition in Parliament

PSD senator Lucian Romaşcanu has said on Thursday that the social-democrats are open to any solution that can put an end to the political crisis and that it is possible for prime minister designate Florin Cîţu to form a majority in Parliament, so that the government be voted.
Lucian Romaşcanu, PSD:  Florin Cîţu could form a majority coalition in Parliament

The Social-Democratic Party (PSD) „will be open to any solution that ends the crisis started by PNL, in the context in which we also have this health crisis. It does not mean that we are considering the vote for a government proposed by Florin Cîţu, but, as they did in November, I think (the liberals) can form a majority in Parliament, 100% without PSD”, Lucian Romaşcanu said.

He also said that for PSD the priority is a stable government that can deal with the crisis situation in Romania.

„Political struggles are useless. Everyone, including president Iohannis, need to understand this. For the good of the Romanians, I hope that the proposal made by the president is one that will be accepted by the Constitutional Court in order to constitute a majority”, the PSD senator added.

According to Romaşcanu, the PSD’s participation to the Cîţu Cabinet voting depends on the list of ministers and the government program that will present. He also stated that, for the moment, the PSD has no reason to challenge the Constitutional Court to appoint Florin Cîţu as prime minister.

„We will do all we can to have a stable government. If Florin Cîţu comes with a reasonable list of ministers and a program that can put Romania on the line after a moment of crisis, I don’t see a reason to notify the Constitutional Cpurt”, Romaşcanu explained.