„We have two more coronavirus confirmations. A 45-year-old man from Maramureş, outside the case definition, who comes from outside the quarantined areas in Italy, who returned to the country on February 25, being ill in Italy where he went to the doctor, was prescribed symptomatic treatment and returned home. He arrived in Romania, having fever, presented himself at the hospital in Maramureş, was admitted to the Infectious Diseases Clinic, where he received symptomatic treatment and was being tested, yesterday having a degree of respiratory failure and was transferred to Cluj. Today we get positive confirmation of coronavirus”, Tătaru said.
The second case is that a 38-year-old woman from Timişoara.
„On February 17th, she went to Bergamo for one day, outside the case definition area and on February 25, she showed a first sign of feverishness, with an altered general condition, stayed at home, showed up at the hospital on the 27th for a symptomatology assessment, was given a treatment and went in isolation. Today, her test also came back positive”, Arafat added.
In Romania, only one case had been confirmed before, at a 25-year-old from Gorj county, who is hospitalized at the „Matei Balş” Institute in Bucharest.