The minister added that the Government prepared for an estimate of up to 400.000 suspended contracts.
„From the data we have available in the Electronic Register of Employee Records, Revisal, as it is known, results a number at this moment, surely, the situation is evolving, not an evolution to enjoy at all, namely it is not a worrying evolution at the moment, in the sense that the figures do not vary from day to day very much. The evidence we have at this week’s level shows about 200.000 suspended work contracts. Of course, this is a serious situation, the fact that 200.000 people no longer have full contracts and suspended them, obviously is a very difficult situation. I do not see changes from one day to the next, yet. That is why we have prepared ourselves with an estimate in around the figure of 300.000-400.000 (suspended work contracts) for this period, covered by the president’s decree”, Violeta Alexandru, Labor minister, told Digi24 on Friday.
Violeta Alexadru added that the evolution in the labour market is constantly monitored and that the money for technical unemployment coverage for these employees is available.
„We are constantly monitoring the evolution of things and obviously new decisions will follow, depending on the evolution of these indicators. The money (for technical unemployment) are available, the Ministry of Finance has mobilized, the prime minister is following all these decisions and we will make decisions as things change in the next period, for the time being, we want to promptly reach out to the first employees who are experiencing problems in the income they need to live, and if there are developments we will be prepared to deal with them through new measures that the Government will take”, the minister has said.
The Labor minister continued by saying that the Government wants the assistance to reach the employers who are facing these problems quickly.
„The (emergency) certificate will be awarded to companies that have closed their activity as a result of the decisions taken by the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations. I assure you that all my colleagues are aware that these decisions taken by the state, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, leave, suddenly, a large number of employees in a critical situation. When can employers go? In the provisions of the normative act it is specified that at the beginning of the following month, in order to have the complete situation of the previous month, in this case March, the employers can access the resources through the county agencies for employment”, Violeta Alexandru said.