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PSD: Protecting medical staff should be a priority

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has stated in a Facebook post on Tuesday that protecting medical staff should be a priority. PSD requires the purchase of intensive care equipment, reusable masks and laboratory materials.
PSD: Protecting medical staff should be a priority

„Through a set of efficient solutions and a good organization the risks can be reduced. But it needs to be acted upon quickly. Since March 19, the European Commission has decided to create rescUE, a strategic stock of medical equipment, such as ventilators and protective masks, to help all EU countries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”, writes the political group on the socialization page.

According to the quoted source, the stock of medical equipment includes items such as: intensive care medical equipment, such as ventilators; personal protective equipment, such as reusable masks; vaccines and therapeutic items; laboratory materials.

„Several countries have already received aid. Why is the Romanian Government not requesting medical equipment from the European Union emergency stock?”, writes PSD.