The ranking takes into account five indicators: connectivity,human capital, use of internet services, integration of digital services and digital public services.
Based on data prior to the pandemic, Romania’s performance was the same in four of the five DESI dimensions measured. This is due to slow progress overall, but also due to political developments, as Romania has had four different governments over the last three years.
Romania performs best on the connectivity dimension, thanks to the high take-up of ultrafast broadband and the wide availability of fixed very high capacity networks, especially in urban areas.
Nearly half (49%) of Romanian homes subscribe to ultrafast (at least 100 Mbps) broadband, the fifth highest figure in the EU.
However, digitization of the economy lags behind, almost one fifth of Romanians have never used the internet, and less than a third have at least basic digital skills.
Romania is well positioned as regards ICT graduates, as it ranks fifth, with 5.6% of all graduates (compared with the EU average of 3.6%), but on digital public services and on use of internet services, Romania has the lowest performance among the EU member states.
Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands are the leaders in overall digital performance in the EU. Malta, Ireland and Estonia are following right after. The International Digital Economy and Society Index shows that the best performing EU countries are also worldwide leaders, the EC noted.